Bharatiya Kisan Sangh

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The Inspiration and founder of Bhartiya Kisan Sangh

The Late Shri Dattopantji Thengdi : श्री दत्तो पन्त जी ठेंगडी

The great sentinel of India’s freedom movement, national organizer, architect, thinker, visionary, writer, austere, sacrificer, national seer, honorable Shri Dattopant Bapurao Thengdi was born on 10th Nov 1920 in village Arvi of Wardha distt. in the Maharastra State of India. His father was honorable Shri Bapurao Dajiba Thengdi.

From childhood he was intelligent and hard working student who became committed for the national cause from very early age. In 1935 at a young age of 15 he was elected President of Arvi Taluka municipal high school. In this position he initiated the formation of a fund to help needy students. In 1935 itself he presided the “Vanar Sena” of the Indian National Congress at Arvi. To motivate the hut dwellers to join the national movement he worked amongst them and became governor of “Arvi Goani Jhuggi Jhopadi Mandal” in 1936. From 1936 to 1938 he worked as an active member of Hindustan Socialist Republican Army, Nagpur.

From early life he took to social service and the national cause. He took admission in Morris College and Law College of Nagpur and was awarded the degrees of MA and LLB respectively. From his student life since 1942 he became a Swayam Sevak of the RSS which had been the main source of inspiration for him. From 1942 to 1944 Thengdiji worked to develop organizations like Shri Vagmala Nanda. Society Kalicut, Arya Samaj Kalicut, Hindu Mahasabha, British Malabar Poor Home Kalicut. In 1955 established the Bhartiya Majdoor Sangh or BMS which developed literally from a tiny acorn in beginning to now a mighty oak. For more than 50 years he remained active for social and national awakening. To strengthen the creative fields of RSS he initiated the establishment of Bhartiya Kisan Sangh, Samajik Samrasta Manch, Sarva Panth Samadar Manch and the Swadeshi Jagran Manch and few more similar organizations. A lot credit goes to him for the effective functioning of majority of such bodies in India. Thengdiji also founded the Samskar Bharti and inaugrated Akhil Bhartiya Adhivakta Parisad, Bhartiya Vichar Kendra, Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat etc.

There may hardly be any national labour organization, Dalit Sangh, Railwaymens organization, farmers association, educational or literary association to which he had not given his earnest contribution. His whole life was embodiment of simplicity, steadfast commitment, studies, clarity of aim and vision. He has contributed 26 books in Hindi, 12 in English and 2 in Marathi. These books are testimony in print of his mission for the nationalist cause. His two books “Rashtra” and “Dhyepath par Kisan” are guiding light like Gita.

Shri Thengadi was a member of Rajya Sabha for a term. In 1969, He visited Soviet Russia and Hungary as member of a parliamentary delegation; in 1977 he went to Switzerland as a delegate to an ILO conference and also to the Second International Anti-apartheid Conference at Geneva. In 1979, he was invited to Yugoslavia by the Trade Union there to study that country’s labourization, and also by the USA to study the American trade union movement. The same year he also visited Canada and Britain on invitation. In 1985, Shri Thengadi led a Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh delegation to china on the invitation of the All- China Federation of Trade Unions. He subsequently attended the Tenth Regional Conference of ILO at Jakarta, Indonesia, the same year, and also visited Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. More recently he participated in the Fifth European Hindu conference held at Frankfurt, Germany, in August 1992, and World Vision 2000 in USA.

Res. Shri Dattopant ji actively remained connected with many organizations as follows :

1950-51 – Organizational Secretary INTUC, MP Sangthan Mantri

1951-53 – Organizational Secretary Bhartiya Jan Sangh (M.P.)

1955 – Founded Bhartiya Majdoor Sangh

1956-57 – Organizational Secretary, Bhartiya Jan Sangh Dakshinmandal.

1964-70 – Member Rajya Sabha

1965-1966 – Member House Committee

1966-70 – Member Rajya Sabha Board of Vice President

Member people Industries Committee

1968-69 – Organiser, National Coordination Committee for Central Labour Organizations.

1970-76 – Member Rajya Sabha

1974 – Presides National Conference of Labour Organizations

1975 – Coordinatior National Labour Struggle Committee.

1976 – Coordinator national labour public struggle committee. (during emergency)

1979 – 4th March, establishes Bhartiya Kisan Sangh

1991 – Establishes Swadeshi Jagaran Manch

कोटा, 6 जुलाई । भारतीय किसान संघ राजस्थान प्रदेश, चित्तौड़ प्रान्त के कोटा संभाग के कोटा, बूंदी, बारां व झालावाड़ जिले में जिला मुख्यालयों पर लहसुन व चना की खरीद शुरू करने की मांग को लेकर महिलाओं ने धरना देकर किसान संघ के आंदोलन में शामिल होने का संकेत सरकार को दिया।
 बारां में महिलाओं का नेतृत्व किसान संघ की प्रांतीय उपाध्यक्ष राममूर्ति मीणा ने किया ।  वही झालावाड़ में जिला महिला प्रमुख सज्जन बाई दांगी व झालरापाटन  महिला प्रमुख नीतू लोधा, कोटा में  भारती नागर प्रांत महिला प्रमुख, रजनी धाकड़ संभाग महिला प्रमुख श्रीमती संतोष जिला महिला प्रमुख व बूंदी में भी महिलाओं   के नेतृत्व में धरना प्रदर्शन किया । देखने की बात यह रही कि सभी जगह महिला वक्ताओं ने ही धरनार्थी महिलाओं को संबोधित किया जो जोश से लबरेज थी।  व आंदोलन से किसी भी तरह से पीछे हटने को तैयार नहीं थी। 

भारतीय किसान संघ के आह्वान पर शुरू किए गए किसान आंदोलन में कोटा ,बारां व झालावाड़ में तो तय समय से घंटे भर पहले ही  नारेबाजी करती महिलाओं आना शुरू हो गया था। जिनका नेतृत्व महिलाओं ने ही किया व महिला कार्यकर्ता ही प्रतिनिधिमंडल के कलेक्टर के पास पहुंची । चारों जिलों के जिला कलेक्टर से वार्ता करते हुए जिन्होंने बताया कि चालू साल में एक तरफ तो पानी की कमी से किसानों की जमीनें कई जिलों में  पढ़त रह गई। वहीं दूसरी ओर फसलों के भी भाव नहीं है ।  ऐसे में हमारे  सामने रोजी रोटी का संकट खड़ा हो गया है । इसके चलते  लहसुन और चना की खरीद पुनः शुरू की जा कर सभी पंजीकृत किसानों काा लहसुन, चना, सरसों खरीदा  जावे । ऐसा नहीं किया तो महिलाओं के साथ हमारे बच्चे भी आंदोलन में कूदेंगे। 

उन्होंने  मुख्यमंत्री वसुंधरा राजे को ज्ञापन भेजकर राज्य सरकार से  कहा है कि बिना लक्ष्य पूरा किए व पंजीकृत किसानों का लहसुन और चना खरीदे बिना ही खरीद बंद करके सरकार ने हमें आंदोलन को मजबूर किया है । प्रान्त महिला प्रमुख भारती नागर ने धरने पर बैठी महिलाओं को संबोधित करते हुए चेतावनी  कि हम आंदोलन को तेज करेंगे।

ये रहे तैनात-
बारां में प्रदेश महामंत्री कैलाश गंदोलिया, प्रांतीय युवा प्रमुख अमृत छजावा, प्रांत मंत्री शंकर लाल नागर, संभाग अध्यक्ष घनश्याम मीणा मौजूद रहे। 
यहां जिलाध्यक्ष विक्रम सिंह सिरोहिया जिला मंत्री भूपेंद्र शर्मा ने धरने की सारी व्यवस्थाएं संभाल रखी थी । झालावाड़ जिले में जिला मंत्री राधेश्याम गुर्जर युवा प्रमुख केवल चंद्र पाटीदार मैं सारी व्यवस्थाएं राम रखी थी जहां पर प्रांत से जिला प्रभारी हेमराज यदुवंशी व सह प्रभारी सीताराम नागर उपस्थित थे।कोटा में  प्रांतीय महामंत्री जगदीश कलमंडा, जिलाध्यक्ष गिरिराज चौधरी व जिला मंत्री श्याम जी तथा देवीशंकर जी मौजूद थे वहीं  बूंदी में संभाग मंत्री प्रहलाद जी नागर,जिला अध्यक्ष मोहनलाल नागर व जिला मंत्री  संतोष जी     समेत प्रांतीय कोषाध्यक्ष रामकुमार जीआदि ने महिला कार्यकर्ताओं के धरने को व्यवस्थित रखने के लिए कमान संभाल रखी थी।प्रान्त अध्यक्ष प्रवीण सिंह चौहान के मार्गदर्शन में आगे की योजना बनाते हुए तय किया गया कि आगामी 11,12 व 13 जुलाई को कोटा सम्भाग की सभी तहसीलो पर विशाल युवा किसान कार्यकर्ताओ के प्रदर्शन होंगे तथा प्रान्त के अन्य जिला केंद्रों पर 13 जुलाई को प्रदर्शन के साथ ज्ञापन सोपे जाएगे उसी दिन आगे की रणनीति बनाई जाएगी।
हेमराज यदुवंशी 
प्रांत प्रचार प्रमुख 

India is an agriculture predominant country. Farmers and agriculture as well as agro based businesses are the main strength of our nation. Indian nation’s expression cannot be visualized without farmer and agriculture. In spite of such good growth and development all around the world, the Indian village based farmer is feeling cheated and helpless. He seems to have been left behind in the pace of development. Many organizations of Nation are trying to rectify this anomaly but most of them are either mouth pieces of some individual (or individuals), or either associated with political parties. These are using farmers to meet their own selfish ends or to fulfill high personal ambitions. The need of the hour at present is to have a non political organization which can awaken the farmers towards creatively achieving their just rights without forgetting their duties as citizens of the country.


Realizing above situation and need, nation’s great thinker of international repute the Right Honorable Dattopantji Thengdi made great efforts to raise an organization of Indian farmers with non political nationalist ideology.

Under the able guidance of Shri Thengdiji, Shri Bhau Saheb Bhaskuteji as the guiding soul, formed for the first time Bhartiya Kisan Sangh in Madhya Pradesh in 1978 and began its activities after getting the organization duely registered. The first meeting and the registration took place in the Kasera Dharamsala of Hoshangabad distt. Next year Shri Bhaskuteji travelled the whole nation length and breadth over motivated 650 farmer representatives and organized their first conference at Kota (Rajasthan) on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of March 1979. In this very conference the all India organization of Indian farmers – The “Bhartiya Kisan Sangh” was established on 4th March by Shri Thengdiji. On this very occasion Shri Thengdiji declared emphatically and in clear words that this “Organization would be a non political body of the farmers, for the farmers and by the farmers”

Stead fastly working according to the opening declarations given above, the Bhartiya Kisan Sangh is progressing positively and at present is the nations largest organization of farmers.

Movements Based

In democracy to maintain the farmers honor, in creative struggles against the system the most effective method is non violent movements and demonstrations.

Thus maintaining the constitutional norms and conventions of democracy the BKS has organized many movements and is continuing some of them at present, according to its numerical and moral strength. The BKS has been successful in most of them. It has given its stand on some of the outstanding issues of times, and the opinion has been universally accepted and abided.


The flag of BKS is ochre coloured, signifying nations history, tradition and life. Ochre being similar to that of morning light signifies regularity and radiance like that of sun. Like fire it signifies purity and power, as robes of seers and monks it denotes knowledge and renunciation. To sum up the ochre flag is a symbol of noble ancient eternal Indian Culture. To have uniformity in flag, this has been kept rectangular with ratio of length : breadth at 3:2. In the centre of the flag is embossed the emblem of BKS


(Krishi Mit Krishaswa) meaning do farming itself. This phrase is a part of larger Rg Vedic mantra from Akshdevan Suktam which means Don’t gamble, do farming itself, and live graciously on its earnings.